01 June 2011

The Fox Terrier - Now who fits this description?

The Fox Terrier is one of the most curious, intense, and impulsive of the terriers -- indeed of all breeds.
Untiringly active and playful, he has a special passion for ball chasing -- which really helps with exercise -- and he seldom walks when he can run.
The Fox Terrier loves the outdoors but must always be kept on-leash (he is a fast, agile, independent chaser) or in a secure yard, preferably supervised, because his ingenuity and relentless hunting instincts may drive him over or under the fence.
This daredevil with the peppery personality does best with active owners who are firm, confident, consistent leaders. He has a marked stubborn streak, a mischievous sense of humor, and will take clever advantage if indulged.
Fox Terriers are scrappy and fearless with other animals. They won't back down if challenged, and they may do much of the challenging themselves.
They have a high prey drive and extremely quick reflexes, so little creatures that run won't get far.
This breed has keen vision and acute hearing and can be counted on to sound the alert when anything is amiss -- sometimes even when nothing is amiss, but might be in the future!
Fox Terriers love to tunnel and dig and can be possessive of their food and cherished toys.

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