What in heaven's name is Grey Matters?

The realisation has dawned on many that life doesn't fit into black and white categories.  Indeed, much of life takes place in the grey areas between certainty and mystery.  Grey Matters is a space in which the grey areas of life are acknowledged candidly and sincerely in the hope of a more authentic way of life.  The gatherings presuppose that we learn and grow through authentic encounters with the other and the Other.

Such authentic meetings are made possible because of the following shared values:
Firstly, the gatherings are characterised by deep respect for one another and for the diversity among us.  People from all religious or cultural backgrounds are welcomed and accommodated.  It is a space of open and free dialogue in which one's assessment of others' opinions is put on hold for the time being.  This allows for mutual trust and appreciation that often leads to new insight and broader horizons.
Secondly, the encounters have a very creative, interactive character.  The gatherings are decentralised and depend on inputs from everybody involved.  Various mediums are used so that everybody can make a meaningful contribution to the process. Artwork, poetry, music, photos, stories, parables, journals, ritual and myth all make up the richness of the evenings.
Thirdly, Grey Matters requires a willingness to confront the darkness within one's own life.  Because the encounter is more important than any answer or destination, there are very few 'neutral' theological or philosophical debates.  At Grey Matters the focus shifts from abstract speculation about God and life to more subjective experiences of God, life and one another that enrich and challenge us.

The evenings are generally structured around a broad theme that allows for spontaneity and creativity from everybody involved.  The themes emerge from the group itself and are usually very relevant.  The atmosphere is relaxed and we have been surprised by the deep friendships that have grown amongst us.  Wine, coffee and a fireplace all contribute to the atmosphere of the evenings and the gatherings usually go on way past bed-time.

The best way to find out what Grey Matters is all about is to simply pop in.  All are welcome who seek a safe space in which to learn, grow and worship - and who are willing to offer the same to others.  For more info mail Helgard at helgard@ce.co.za or check out our schedule of gatherings.